Bollify is now a crucial part of how Brandsom conducts its business

Picture of Lars Dudink

Lars Dudink

Marketplace manager at Brandsom

The customer

Brandsom, a young and unconventional agency that has carved out its place in the marketplace ecosystem in just a few years. The Gold partnerships with and ChannelEngine can be seen as the crowning achievement of Brandsom’s hard work in recent years.

When a brand collaborates with Brandsom, they can count on a dedicated marketplace team for a fixed monthly fee. From integration to content optimization and advertising, the dedicated team is ready to work alongside the brand to achieve its goals. Whether it’s about selling on Amazon,, Zalando, or other marketplaces like MediaMarkt, Kaufland, and Cdiscount, the Brandsom team has a suitable solution for every challenge.

Brandsom x Bollify


For new brands starting to sell on, there is a significant challenge: How do you compete against the established players? The brands that have been selling on for years and completely dominate page 1, how do you break into that? Expensive Sponsored Products campaigns? It’s always an option, but there’s a more cost-effective approach: content optimization.

At Brandsom, we sometimes get asked, ‘Content optimization? What does that exactly deliver for me?’ It’s a logical question. Brands want the money they invest to yield results as quickly as possible. So, what is the result of content optimization? This result used to be difficult for us to measure until recently. But since we started using Bollify, we can demonstrate the impact of content optimization!

"We've been receiving a lot of positive feedback since we started using Bollify and have been coming up with new insights and strategies. Bollify has become an indispensable part of our business process."


Not just beautiful words, but also beautiful, insightful results

Before we begin optimizing, we first conduct research on search behavior. Without proper keyword research, it’s impossible to write relevant content. Bollify helps us with this; we are now working much more efficiently. The collected data can be easily sorted, analyzed, and exported. Before using Bollify, we spent many hours on extensive keyword research. Now we do it in less than half the time.

To demonstrate the effect of content optimization, it’s necessary to assess the current situation of the client (on We can only do this since we started using Bollify. Bollify shows us the organic position of each product and which keywords the product is currently not found on. By making this visible, we identify opportunities and which keywords to focus on. After optimization, we also provide insights into the potential extra traffic that can now come to the product page.

"Before we started using Bollify, we spent many hours on extensive keyword research. Now, we do it in less than half the time."

Low-hanging fruit

A keyword with 100,000 searches per year is something everyone would like to rank for, but what if there are 100,000 products offered for that keyword? Is it still such an attractive keyword? In other words, how will your product stand out among all those products in the product category?

With the help of Bollify, we easily identify the right keywords with high potential. We’re looking for the ultimate sweet spot. Search terms that fall into this category have a low number of products offered but still have a relatively high search volume. Since there are fewer products offered, it’s easier to improve your organic position. Once the product gains more momentum, we can focus on keywords with higher search volumes and more competition.

If you're not on page 1, you're essentially not in the game.

How often do you click on page 2 when you’re searching for a product? Most of the time, you can find a relevant product on the first page of the search engine results page (SERP). It’s safe to say that your organic sales will be minimal if your product isn’t on page 1. That’s why using Sponsored Products is necessary to generate sales, but how do you decide which keyword to focus on?

Bollify helps us make that strategic choice. We constantly monitor the organic positions of our products. Is a product ranking at the top of page 2 for a specific keyword? Then we invest specifically in that keyword. If we see the product’s organic position rising and it’s now on page 1, we can choose to focus on a different keyword or try to improve the organic position even further. We repeat this process multiple times until we have as many products as possible on page 1.

"The use of Bollify has made our work easier, more enjoyable, and more transparent. This applies to both our company and our clients. We've received a lot of positive feedback since we started using Bollify, and it has brought us new insights and strategies. Bollify has become an indispensable part of our business process."