Fun Fact: Bollify is spelled with two L's (not like this: Bolify)

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Fun Fact: Bollify is spelled with two L's (not like this: Bolify)

Fun Fact: Bollify is spelled with two L's (not like this: Bolify)

Did you know that many people misspell Bollify as Bolify with one L? This happens so often that we decided to write a blog about it! If you're looking for Bolify, unfortunately you've landed in the wrong place. But don't worry, you're now on the right website!

Lars Smits
2 minutes

Because many people search for "Bolify" with one L, we want to explain in this blog why the correct spelling is Bollify and at the same time tell you a bit more about what our platform can do for you.

What does Bollify (not Bolify) do?

Now that you're here, let's tell you right away what Bollify can do for you. Bollify is the reliable and powerful data analysis platform for entrepreneurs who want to monitor and improve their performance on You can easily track your own products and those of your competitors, both organically and through advertisements.

With our rank tracker, you have immediate insight into the performance of your products and keywords. Moreover, with Bollify you can follow market trends and automatically annotate important changes in your listings, without having to manually keep track of everything that's happening.

Why do you write Bollify with two L's?

The question many ask: Why do we write Bollify with two L's? The answer is simple. The name is a combination of "" and "simplify". With Bollify, we want to make it clear that our platform helps you easily analyze your sales data, just as easily as shopping on itself.

So, the next time you're looking for a data platform for, don't forget: it's Bollify, with two L's! This way, you'll immediately land on the right website and can get started right away to improve your performance.

Are you looking for Bolify with one L? You've ended up here because we understand that many people make this mistake. Now that you know why it should actually be Bollify, you can confidently move forward and discover how our platform can take your sales on to the next level.

Remember: it's Bollify – not Bolify!

P.S. you're now on the right website

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